Hi everybody, I’m a UI/UX designer and I wanna contribute to the community here with my expertise. Here is a quick prototype for a Android Lemmy app with Material You Design, it’s a simple and customizable app. With this app, I also want to improve the experience when exploring different servers.
Obviously, this is just a concept, so if any developer interest, I’m very willing to collaborate with 🫡 . Vice versa, if anyone stucks with designing his/her own Lemmy client, just reach out to me and I will give you a hand.
Here is a quick demo of some basic features: https://vimeo.com/843481714?share=copy
And here is the figma file if you wanna take a look: https://www.figma.com/file/ZBR30l0ZcKuyKMPjeDmvdF/Lemmy-Android-app?type=design&node-id=53526-31054&mode=dev
I like the look. One thing I would like to see is integration of the community search tool to make discoverability easier. Something that shows what server each community is on but also will allow you to search across servers in case you don’t know where things are, and a way to view the list of all communities if you want.
Personally prefer to read the title before the image. It’s one of the reasons I don’t use the Connect app
Noted. I was also considering where should I put the title as well. This is just a quick prototype to find out whether any dev is interested in collaboration, so just take it with a grain of salt 😉
The apps are certainly in need of all the help they can get. I have Lemur and Jerboa, and they’re both janky as all heck.
Liftoff is perfect.
Does liftoff look different on Android? I feel like it’s ugly as sin on iOS.
I think it looks fine on android, but it probably doesn’t integrate with iOS nicely. I also think light themes are bad by default so I can’t judge your photo accurately lol.
Here is iOS dark / compact
IMHO, the shadows, padding around cards, corner radiuses, drop down stylings, etc. are all pretty rough. It doesn’t feel as refined as Material You or iOS’s design system.
After driving in Memmy, Mlem, and Wefwef (now Voyager), Liftoff feels kind of janky to me.
Just my 2¢
Just popping in to mention the UI got a pretty big update recently. You might want to take another look, I think its a lot better now.
I’m currently using connect for lemmy. It works fine, but I still have to use the web version to jumping between servers, which is why I come up with this idea.
Hmm, connect let’s me switch between accounts on different instances just fine.
yeah, I’m just too lazy to create account for every servers I find interesting, especially when the different between them are minor
hey this looks really similar to a proposal that was made on github for jerboa. Jerboa is also really focused on material UI so maybe it would be best to combine efforts and help each other out.