The ghost of Reagan?
The ghost of Reagan?
Which this probably is if they want to pack as much data as possible in one unit.
Some retired old fart who can’t be bothered to learn fancy-schmancy Web 2.0. Rock on like it’s '93
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It definitely struck me that the emblem chosen in this manner is a bird, meant to represent an oppressed colonial territory now freed. Maybe they chose it so that the animal reprisenting Zambian freedom is far removed from the yolk of its origin? Or maybe someone just didn’t tell them it was the norm or why 🤷♂️
This. Learn how the site search works and search for tage before posting to make sure you’ll be in the same feed.
Your brain can’t tell the difference and tallies the perceived callories that wind up going unused until you exacuate the waste.
I think I preemptively trained myself against VR sickness by playing halo CE on my OG Xbox while running on the treadmill in like 2005
I see a future where China out and out steals the unity backend to publish the CCP spyware flavor of unity.
Grill is such a broad term, too. Camping grills, tripod saucer grills, suburban home grills, BBQ grills, home made fire pit with iron grates. Perhaps we’ll see certain types become less popular, but the grill has existed for nearly as long as civilization.
If you’re remote-accessing these resources and can’t always be home to manage the cutover to cellular, I recommend splurging on a Unifi Dream Machine and LTE Backup module. Getting a verizon gateway or similar device won’t properly communicate with your network and has to use it’s own judgement through traffic monitoring to know when to take over DHCP/routing. We (local MSP) just resolved an issue where these devices couldn’t tell between an ISP blip or an outage and so it would wrestle DHCP from the firewall when they still had internet, killing their wireless printers. Unifi LTE communicates with the UDM over a very verbose and reliable protocol. The LTE doesn’t kick on until the FW realizes there’s a problem on the primary WAN.
And do what? Make a better product? The beauty of Capitalism is that consumers really are the final say on whether your product succeeds. You can make an app with as many addictive hooks as possible, but that doesn’t make those users permanent. And any sabbotage by Reddit will only dig in our heels at this point.
That’s a smoke screen. Another is the “liberal brainwashing machine” school system scare. What they fear is the statistic that higher educated individuals trend towards populism and progressivism. They see higher education of youths as a threat to their political base, which turns into “spineless parents sending kids to liberul brainwashing camps funded by the gubmnt.”