The fact that it’s a niche interest means that people will pay more for it… And trust me… People LOVEE late 30s chubby hairy dudes
They/them NB
The most annoying thing about being famous is having to tell everyone how famous you are.
The fact that it’s a niche interest means that people will pay more for it… And trust me… People LOVEE late 30s chubby hairy dudes
I expected this to be about the first Anti-social network: Mine
I feel like this is a bad take but more importantly, nothing you’ve said answers the main question. Why would someone be happy to remove all of that art from people?
In every example you gave, nothing was being removed at any point, they were just being moved around and not even always… Historical record painters got replaced with the new profession of photography but people who can paint extremely accurately still exist and are now an extremely valued skill.
The question above is not about that process, one which is as old as invention, but more about the joy of removing those jobs.
Why are some AI people so incredibly overjoyed that artists are no longer making money? Why are they so happy that writers will have to find new work? What about all of this makes them think that it’s a good thing that human programmers will be replaced?
I think I managed to make it like… 15 minutes? Into the movie?
What about it did you enjoy?
Hilariously, trump wants to remove the law that says you can’t hold platforms legally at fault for their users. Once that gets repealed, this is a genuine argument. (As far as I know… I’m not a lawyer but that’s my interpretation)
I saw Oppenheimer in theaters and spent the entire time going: “this is just imitation game but everyone sucks and instead of saving millions of lives and being punished by your government for it… The man kills millions of people and then gets awarded for it…”
I definitely need to rewatch it.
Wow I didn’t remember this one AT ALL!
It was such blissful ignorance…
The best thing about Event Horizon is how incredibly gorey it is. Definitely not what OP is after.
Season 3 has some of my favorite “trek” episodes of all time. My most notable is “Twice in a Lifetime” because of how deeply it hit me but “Gently Falling Rain”, “From Unknown Graves” and “Domino” are also perfect trek in my opinion.
Get extremely excited for S3
Yes, trump has also offered him a spot on his cabinet
I always heard it starting with:
"You have 300 bricks and you throw one as far as you can, how many do you have left?
The elephant to the river is the same but this joke is told about someone else crossing the river instead. Finally it ends with:
"But… They still don’t make it across, why?
Because you threw a brick at them!"
Looking at OPs post history… They missed one actually
Incorrect! Cars 2 is the most important one because it’s the only Pixar movie where the bad guy is anyone with a disability!
I bet cars 3 doesn’t have eugenics!
An ad free experience would be too high quality so I have to
You make a fantastic point
There are schools today still named after confederate generals. I will think of you as bad for idolizing them but I wouldn’t find it super strange if someone listed a school named after one.
Meh, it sucks that it was added at all but I think it aged well personally.
I watched this wayyyy after Musk turned evil and I thought it was really good foreshadowing that maybe Lorca isn’t the best guy.
I don’t think that was intentional… But it did genuinely make the twist better for me
They did already actually!
I don’t think it’s part of the fediverse tho… I’ve heard hubzilla is the closest to MySpace but none of them are 100%