Maybe I’m the odd one out but I can’t take any “take” seriously when people can’t just use names. I’ve seen “Elaine” and now “Elmo” and “Muskrat”.
Maybe I’m the odd one out but I can’t take any “take” seriously when people can’t just use names. I’ve seen “Elaine” and now “Elmo” and “Muskrat”.
This was a much more succinct way of saying what I wanted to say.
And what field is this? Or what professions do you think so well here?
Just adding in a couple thoughts… there are lots of apps for this or you can keep it simple with your own spreadsheet. I’ve used EveryDollar for like 6 years now, it’s gotten a little bloated but the core functionality is the same.
Budgeting sucks at first. It feels super restrictive, and it’s a little stressful. This goes away after like a month or two and you will feel the complete opposite. It feels like so much more freedom once you get the hang of it and you will feel very empowered controlling your money.
I had a buddy try it out, saw how much he was spending on weed, then gave up trying. What you should do is just factor in your spending on weed and work around it if you need to, or change habits if you’re ready. Budgeting doesn’t mean you have to change your spending habits… you likely will, but it’s more about being in control of your money.
It’s funny whenever this is brought up on a reddit admin post. They always come with some stat saying a tiny % of users use like that means people barely use it and therefore useless. But I see a lot of active posters talk about it which means those are probably the users you want to keep around lol.
How about today? It doesn’t feel very special
But what if I want to brag about my computer components or car mods that I’ve done?? Where do I put that so people can see it on every post?!
This is a good idea to try out. I’ll try it thanks!
I have about 30 communities I’m subscribed to and 90% of it is the memes and shitpost communities. So 2 communities are basically all I see. They’re probably the most active but it’s still extremely disproportionate. I’m like you I want to unsubscribe but it doesn’t seem like the right way. Maybe I’ll do it to test if smaller communities content comes through.
I guess I should add that I’ve done hot, top for the day, 12 hr, new, active, etc. I have a handful of communities I’ve never seen on my feed. I have to go to them manually.
Same. I used reddit mostly for smaller communities and the hot algorithm doesn’t seem to pick them up here. They’re pretty inactive but they do have daily posts. If I don’t go directly to that community though, I won’t see them. I’m sure these things will be refined over-time.
Broke a helmet and concussed myself as a teenager because my quick release on the front wheel was loose, and well you can guess what happened. Learned a valuable lesson that day to always, always check that the quick release is tight
I hate being a doomer, and this does look great… But doesn’t Google own Fitbit now? And hasn’t material you been out for almost 2 years now?