Where can we sign up for duck tales?
Is it related to real time kernel performance or libraries?
So do I. It sits in its vm jail and does its job, or I roll back the snapshot
Think of the environment!
Less Delta-V to eject them from the solar system.
Tiling window managers and vim keybindings are your friends
Yeah. I bet he wasn’t looking for a Boeing maintenance video.
Very good point re. Braille readers. I was being flippant and did not think of that. My apologies. Tabs for indentation may be useful there. as would a blind-friendly pre- and post- processor for programming language specific files (a braille liner, could call it black-er for python :)
I don’t know how braille readers actuality work, but I guess they process a bytestream. How do they handle utf-16 and other non standard character sets? This is a known problem for a lot of systems- it would be interesting to know how they address it.
Some new models also still include ir blasters. Good stuff