If you find a premium arl it’ll work. People were sharing them on telegram but I think that’s stopped but you can find more by googling.
If you find a premium arl it’ll work. People were sharing them on telegram but I think that’s stopped but you can find more by googling.
Doubt it, but it could aid you once you’ve acquired a windows pro installer. ;)
I hope game developers can shift to different game engines! Can’t imagine how difficult that could be since I don’t even know more than some basic python.
I guess F-Droid is limited in the sense of low user awareness? Similar to lemmy in the sense that its just not that popular atm, but maybe its gaining popularity?
Correct me if I’m wrong but weren’t the people exposed by clicking or opening something malicious? And those with a truly strong password are fine?
While you’re probably joking, sometimes it feels that way. (Referring to 1st sentence.)
All of which US companies would love to push onto their employees and work place.
On one hand I can sorta see it for organizing. On the other I hated using it with my iPod touch.
Sorry that this isn’t an answer but your post reminded me of zenoina (1st one) and it was a nice $1-2 mmo on Android. Sadly they just pumped out sequels and I don’t know if they are still good or terrible now.
Deezer by default has drm I think. But people are also sharing premium arls that one can use with demix? Might have that name slightly wrong but with the win/Linux app one can grab music as mp3 320kbps.