I feel like this phenomenon should have a catchy name, like: “No one hates Scotsmen more than Scotsmen.”
I feel like this phenomenon should have a catchy name, like: “No one hates Scotsmen more than Scotsmen.”
Not piracy, but if you’re in the US and get a library card, you can use the Libby app, which has tons of free audiobooks on demand. Definitely worth it, imho. You can download for offline use easily too, which makes it excellent for travel.
Piracy? I’ve been converting my epubs into html files and then using the edge browser’s excellent voice to text to read it out to me, but that’s my own special brand of insanity.
I’m glad you’re taking my advice <3 really, the world would be a much better place if everyone listened to me and did the things I said.
I did not expect to read something so heavy. Maybe add a trigger warning? I’m okay, but damn is this sad.
Never kill yourself, but especially never kill yourself before confessing your pain. It’s incredible, how different people’s perceptions can be. You might just save your own life, and that of your loved ones too.
All of the people involved in the procecution of the first case should be disbarred and jailed. I can’t believe the poor man endured more than a year of solitary confinement for the crime of being responsible on the Internet. I hope his persecuters choke and die. Disgusting. Human trash.
I think they might be referring to a camera with a direct, through lense, viewfinder. Like a pair of binoculars.
Omg, I forgot about that character 😅