Inbox for me. I still manage my email the way that Inbox taught me to do it, but it just isn’t the same.
Inbox for me. I still manage my email the way that Inbox taught me to do it, but it just isn’t the same.
I hate the capslock thing. I sometimes feel like I’m the only person who regularly uses capslock (for C macro names and SQL when programming, but also for typing acronyms).
I don’t mind the function key thing. Even from memory I can say that in a browser F5 = refresh and F11 = fullscreen. But kids probably are less likely to know those these days so a label could be helpful.
I was surprised to find that non-alcoholic beers specifically do still make me sleepy. I looked into it and there is some research that says that other compounds in beer could be responsible, or it could just be the placebo effect since I’m used to feeling sleepy after drinking beer.
I think that’s normal as well. What I meant to convey is: if someone is an alcoholic, then they are likely to be in the first group. I didn’t mean to imply the opposite: if someone is in the first group, then they are likely to be an alcoholic.
Alcohol has different effects on people based on their genetics. It makes some people feel amazing, and if they keep drinking they continue to feel amazing for hours. It makes some people immediately feel awful. It makes some people feel good but also very sleepy. The first group is much more likely to experience alcoholism.
The taste is a separate thing. I am part of the third group but I’ll have a single drink on occasion, and I enjoy the way that beer, wine, spirits, and cocktails taste. I think that the alcohol does make them taste a little better, but they also tend to taste good without it.
I often drink non-alcoholic beers or mocktails for the taste, because alcohol is after all a poison and it is a good idea to limit consumption.
I can’t even think of a sadder drink than that.
Fair enough. I think it’s okay if you’ve experienced a place, given it a shot, decided it wasn’t for you, and moved away.
One thing I’ve noticed in NYC however, is how many people have an uninformed and strong default opinion that anywhere besides the west or east coast in unlivable, and that bothers me.
Your comment is reasonable, but a lot of the comments to this post reflect that same caustic attitude and it saddens me.
Austin is a nice city. With all due respect, and as someone who grew up in Texas but now lives in NYC, it is exactly this kind of condescension that makes a lot of Texans dislike people from the coasts.
The inverse square law only applies to undirected things, because the surface area of a sphere is proportional to the square of radius. The parent specified directed, like a laser.
I could see the US Digital Service doing this. They’re pretty solid.
Sometimes I wish that I didn’t have a corporeal body. It would be better to just be a mind.