Addictive tobacco has reinvented itself. Vaping, gummies, and probably more.
Addictive tobacco has reinvented itself. Vaping, gummies, and probably more.
Calculated misery by Tim Wu explains a lot of this. Goes on to show how airlines and other industries as well. I think the paper was published in 2014.
From what I can see on the F-Droid description, Focus connects to iTunes, presumably in addition to the same places Antenna does, for podcast search indexing
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKOvOaJv4GK-oDqx-sj7VVg – either this channel may visit you, or you visit the channel.
The episode will begin with a dramatically narrated, HF is a years old , and had for a month! This is what happened next!
Been a few years since using Emacs extensively. From memory, IRC is a good fit for what you are after for texts and some emojis. No clue regarding multimedia messages.
If IRC is acceptable
Make your own channel on say, Libera chat, set your own rules for how long those messages are retained. Make a user for each of your devices. You are set. I’ve used ERC a few years under Emacs. Also used GNUS for reading and writing emails from the big providers.
I tried arguing along similar lines. Failed and fell flat on my face when it came to history. There’s so much chat history on WhatsApp for instance that without a way to port it all over to Signal, near impossible if that to bring people over.