This happened to me in Missouri about 6 months ago. Couldn’t view the amber alert because twitter.
This happened to me in Missouri about 6 months ago. Couldn’t view the amber alert because twitter.
They do it for marijuana laws but won’t treat anything else like that. I don’t understand.
Let’s unbundle health insurance from your employer. You shouldn’t be tied to a shitty job just so you can go to a doctor.
Also supposing it did, I’m quite sure that everyone’s brain would function at different rates. And how do you even measure those people that don’t have an internal monologue? Seems like there is a lot missing here.
This is the only thing I leaned in high school chemistry.
My teacher was also the football coach, though.
Same. I never downloaded it or anything like it but I didn’t realize they were playing both sides. It’s fucked.
It’s crazy how much of the car market has already been consolidated. They just keep putting out cars with other makes, even if they are owned by the same company. Hyundai and Kia are a perfect example.
I knew that shit was up to no good. I never install anything like that. I assumed it would be sniping on me, I’m sure it does that too.
“Time for home economics! Today we learn to make pizza. Be sure to use plenty of glue on the dough so the cheese doesn’t slide off!”
Hawaiian pizza is mid but Jalapeño and Pineapple pizza is S-tier. Spicy and sweet.
Trickle down economy is a thing….but only in costs, not in profits.
I see it? Maybe I just haven’t noticed but I think .world is fine for me?
Edit: nvm you might be right. I just checked my posts in ! They normally get 60-100 up votes but the last one only got 3.
Supposedly The Verge is behind a dynamic paywall, metered based on high use, but I got a block in the first article I clicked on this week. I don’t mind a paywall but be clear on what is behind a paywall and what isn’t. I will stop visiting the site at all if I can’t figure it out.
I wish these sites had an option to pay 50cents or whatever for articles I want to read so i can still support them without having to commit to another fucking subscription.
I don’t personally care. Burials and other ceremonies are for the living. I’d prefer something that doesn’t harm our environment and to donate as many organs as possible, but that’s pretty much it.
I like what you said about being a tree. I may steal that.
I don’t have kids. I plan to leave my assets to a charity. Probably something for animals but I haven’t really planned that far ahead yet.
I have been fighting with Docker and Fedora on these exact items all weekend. Good luck
Don’t you love scrolling right when the page loads and you click an ad instead?
It’s a feature, not a bug! Haha!
I haven’t set up this yet, but I use AdGuard on my phone and yes, it does leave blank space. Sometimes I don’t realized there was more text to read because it’s empty.
It’s not about the adblocker though. It’s on the quality of the developer. A good developer tells the browser to leave space for ads before it loads them. It makes the page load faster and also prevents the page jumping around as each item loads.
Ironically, a bad developer that doesn’t do that, probably has better website layouts for people who use adblockers. 🙃
About 15 years ago, I moved to a city where I didn’t know anyone. I joined Twitter because I like to try new apps as early as possible. It turned out to be a great place to talk about live music in my city, amongst other things. I met all my friends on Twitter.
At that time in my city, it was very much the town square that Elon wants it to be now. It was a place to discuss events in realtime; especially sporting events.
I suspect the advantage for Twitter was that you could communicate with people you didn’t know directly like celebrities, authors, politicians, etc. Not just write to them, but they write back because sending off a short message is much easier than making a call or writing a letter. Sometimes that is an unhealthy parasocial relationship but, it doesn’t have to be.
Kevin Smith basically started writing the movie Tusk in a collaborative way with Twitter.
That sucks. I work for a company that does that too but I don’t get reprimanded for doing it this way. I hope you are able to figure out a what works best for you and that they’ll let you take it.
I got insurance for my dog. He likes to eat things that aren’t food and I have to be extra vigilant. Mostly his toys.
Once, I caught him with my Adderall pill bottle. I cried so much. I thought I killed him.
It was in the middle of the shortage and I had just counted the amount in the bottle earlier that day. I found every single one in the dirt. I was so relieved. I still cried about it though. He’s my best friend and I need him around a bit longer.
My point is you aren’t the only one who has been through this. I learned a lot about myself and my dog that day.
I’m so happy your dog is okay!
Dogs are dogs. We give them the best life we can but they get restless and do things that don’t make sense to me. Owning a dog is like having a toddler that never grows out of it.