How high are you OP?
How high are you OP?
A while back I applied with the USPS and got called in for an interview. It wasn’t a real interview, but more of a presentation on all the required next steps to be hired (there were at least 20 of us in the room). I ended up getting a different job before my start date, but if you were able to do all the steps by the deadline the job was yours.
That is the example that OP referred to in their question
if I did, I would have to be obliged and follow their cultures
This doesn’t seem true to be. There is no culture police who will come and enforce the way you live your life to follow the norms of your ethnic label(s).
I don’t have a culture
This is impossible. Everyone has a culture. You may not follow all the cultural norms or traditions of where you are from, but it is guaranteed that who you are was impacted by the culture you were raised in. There is no such thing as neutral, otherwise you are saying your personal culture would fit in everywhere in the world (Mexico, USA, Italy, Russia, Japan, Philippines, etc).
What do you think the term Latino means, and why don’t you want to identify as one?
FYI Central America is also in North America
Anything a chiropractor can do that will actually help, a PT can do better. They’ll also teach you what exercises to do to prevent needing to see them again.
A chiropractor will just tell you to come to them more often, and take more of your money over time.
It’s ok. English is my first language and I don’t understand what OP means by “cold camera shoe.”
This reminded me of my first year at uni when a guy decided to speak in a fake British accent, I guess to sound cooler. Unfortunately for him, we could all tell it was fake and that made him decidedly uncool (and the butt of a lot of jokes). I think he gave it up after a couple of weeks.
The fact is, the coolest thing you can do is be confident in yourself (including how you sound when speaking naturally).
I’ve been here since June, and it’s never had karma score calculated for the profile. My understanding was that they didn’t want to promote karma farming like is done on Reddit.
In addition to this, understanding the emotions you are experiencing and being able to put a name to them will help. A lot of cultural expectations pressure men to only feel anger/happiness, but there is so much more nuance. Being able to recognize that and, eventually, communicate it will be massive to this undertaking.
I’d recommend using something like an emotion wheel to define how you are feeling at any given moment in time.
Blood test to check for nutritional deficiencies
I think if you are low on B6 you will definitely notice it. If your levels of B6 are fine, then you probably won’t notice a difference.
After searching a little bit everyone seems to have a different equation for force of Impact.
Since it sounds like this is for a class, you should probably find the equation that is given in your textbook/class notes.
I got into doing yoga. I did it daily for about 9 months straight in 2020, and have never felt better. I go through phases now where I can keep it up, but I can also go a while without doing it. I wish I could get back into doing it daily because I feel so much better with the consistency.
Do you have platonic friends? Humans need a community to be a part of, so if you don’t have one you should start by finding one. Recognize that companionship comes in many different forms, not just romantically. Just because you have hit pause on pursuing romance, doesn’t mean you should become a total hermit (unless that will make you happy, which it sounds like it wouldn’t).
Find people with similar interests and hobbies you can connect over. Show up to places consistently so you can start to know the people who are doing the same things you are at the same time you do them.
I’m pretty sure this is the story you’re talking about.
These are all easily googleable items.
Or whatever, if you want to believe the US has zero redeeming qualities, then go right ahead. I’m kind of sick of talking to someone who has such a fucking negative outlook.
Yes off the top of my head our parks system is emulated world wide and generally the most impressive aspect for visitors of our country.
We also have unparalleled accessibility for people with disabilities. Try to get around Europe in a wheelchair. You won’t have a good time.
It is relatively easy to start a business.
We have the top universities in the world.
We are the best place in terms of medical R&D, as well as scientific research in general
We are above average in gender equality (though there are certainly places that are just as good or better). I wouldn’t want to be a woman in the middle east, for example.
We have the best road connectivity, though obviously quality of those roads could be improved.
We provide more humanitarian aid to foreign countries than anyone else (depending on your perspective this could be good or bad).
Should I go on?
I download books from my library to my kindle. It goes through Amazon though, so I assume I am also impacted by this BS.