I printed a small sponge holder a while back and have been using it about a year now. Ive been seeing these ads for silicone drainers lately and decided to make something similar. This is actually v2. The first one had a separate base and grates on top but I didn’t like how it turned out. This is a combined grate and base. Printed in 4 pieces and welded together.
What’s the deal with The Blade that’s on there? It looks like the underside of a lawn mower except with two extra blades.
LMAO, that’s a glass rinser. You put your glass on it upside down and it shoots water up into the glass.
Oh! Neato!
Very! You see then in breweries a lot.
The glass cleaner was the first thing I saw here. I love it!! And the sponge holder is pretty nifty too