My tablet is my laptop replacement so I tend to use it on the same way with a mouse and keyboard and want AC close to laptop functionality as possible, pretty much all other browsers have that functionality, except firefox.
this is my first android tablet. my first “internet tablet” was the n810, and i did’nt get an android until around 2018, unless you count the blackberry q20
But no Cookie AutoDelete among them. Firefox Nightly is still better
This is on mobile?
Do desktops normally have that screen ratio?
Not with that attitude!
Gently rotates monitor and increases zoom level to 400%
Removed by mod
It could be desktop
It is, but only if you go on the main website, and not the android sub category
But then that is for desktop Firefox, not mobile. Right?
It will allow you to add it to mobile firefox it seems, maybe it just didn’t get categorized correctly?
And yet still no tablet support 😭
what? i run it on my tab a7.
Yes as a bloated phone UI. It doesn’t support tabs which almost every other browser does.
Of course it can run in a tablet but it’s not a great use experience
it never occurred to me that I might want a different UI on my tablet. I also never used Chrome or any other browser on my tablet.
My tablet is my laptop replacement so I tend to use it on the same way with a mouse and keyboard and want AC close to laptop functionality as possible, pretty much all other browsers have that functionality, except firefox.
this is my first android tablet. my first “internet tablet” was the n810, and i did’nt get an android until around 2018, unless you count the blackberry q20
Iceraven has it