For an unvaxxed perspective, I’m on day 1,276 of stuffy, runny nose with limited senses of smell and taste plus constant mild fatigue and brain fog. I was unable to carry a conversation or walk more than 7 or 8 steps the first 3 months due to breathlessness, and smelled nothing at all for 14 months.
I was healthy, fit, worked from home for years, and strictly followed lockdown protocol. My only “high risks” were being married to a first responder and living in Texas at the time.
Yeah I had 3 shots, but the last one was two years ago. Had thought about getting a 4th one for months but there is no official recommendation for a 4th shot for people under 60 in my country so I didn’t. I actually regretted that now, it was pretty nasty. But yeah, completely without vaccines it probably would have been horrible so I’m really glad I got those.
Oh wow. Thank you for letting me know. Glad I got vaxxed. Can’t imagine how it may have gone not being vaxxed.
For an unvaxxed perspective, I’m on day 1,276 of stuffy, runny nose with limited senses of smell and taste plus constant mild fatigue and brain fog. I was unable to carry a conversation or walk more than 7 or 8 steps the first 3 months due to breathlessness, and smelled nothing at all for 14 months.
I get EVERY vaccine now.
O gee. I’m sorry to hear that. Were you In a high risk category?
I was healthy, fit, worked from home for years, and strictly followed lockdown protocol. My only “high risks” were being married to a first responder and living in Texas at the time.
That state was a shit show.
Wow. I’m so sorry. Do you have adequate care? I really hope you do.
Yeah I had 3 shots, but the last one was two years ago. Had thought about getting a 4th one for months but there is no official recommendation for a 4th shot for people under 60 in my country so I didn’t. I actually regretted that now, it was pretty nasty. But yeah, completely without vaccines it probably would have been horrible so I’m really glad I got those.