OK so I’ve read this whole thing and I’m still a bit confused, so help me please: this refers to the “Driving Mode” which hides all my apps and gives some weird simplified interface, right?
Because there’s also a “Driving” mode which is only accessible via a widget (why, Google) which gives you a map while driving without having to specifically enter a destination. That one’s staying, presumably?
Really… I have to check that out. For a very long time I’ve wanted a mode in maps where it behaves as though I put a destination in without a destination, why don’t they have that?? If this is the mode you mention and I’m only just finding out, then it is definitely the one Google is turfing…
I think this is mostly what you want, but as far as I can find online (and I’ll test it again later today) it no longer shows traffic warnings and your current speed like the destination maps does. I think it used to, though, which is what’s annoying about this whole situation.
I actually lost this feature for a while - it used to be under the hamburger ≡ menu as “Just Drive” and then the hamburger menu disappeared, and I’ve just recently found it again as a widget.
So, yeah, Google kills all good things and I’m sure it won’t last for much longer, but it’s nice in the meantime.
I thought they got rid of that years ago. I used it for a bit after they killed Android Auto.
(why, Google)
Massive incentives to innovate The Next Big Thing and zero incentives to maintain shit people actually use. See also 2000-era Fox killing off every fantastic new show that wasn’t instantly as big as The Simpsons. And also constantly letting football interrupt The Simpsons.
I have to assume it’s the widget only thing that’s going to be unalived. I’m sure they have data saying that only an infinitesimal fraction of users use the thing that requires arcane knowledge to find.
This isn’t fuckin tiktok
They killed the Android auto app on the phone, and replaced it with driving mode, which took away my ability to use a dashboard like app without also using maps.
Now they’re killing that.
I just want the android auto app back. I have an older car that doesn’t have the dash app, so I liked using my phone with a dock.
Same here. I used to love the mobile Android auto app. Was very disappointed when they killed it. Using driving mode with Google maps is very buggy and unintuitive. I’ve had a couple of near misses while driving just trying to enter my destination or interacting with the map while driving because everything is to god damn small. And voice commands are shit.
Google bought Waze. So I’m assuming they want people to use that instead. But it’s not a great as what the Android auto app was.
Bro, you had near misses because you were using your phone while driving. Don’t do that.
If you have to type in a destination, pull over or wait for a light
No I understand. You’re totally right. It was just some situations where I was on the highway and I hit the wrong tiny little button that cancelled my navigation or some misinterpreted voice command that couldn’t input my destination. Frustrating as all hell.
Google bought Waze forever ago and cannibalized what they wanted from it then killed the rest with the worst ads I’ve ever seen on a driving app. it straight up gives full screen ads every time you stop. you’re not allowed to look ahead on your route at a stop light without interacting with the ad.
i managed to block the ads, but it still pulls up a full page black screen where the ad is supposed to be…
Waze has no ads for me when using CarPlay
must be nice.
You will not be missed. Stupid thing turns on even when I’m not driving.
It was pretty fucking useless.
I found that the driving mode just made me spend more time fumbling with my phone while driving than if it didn’t exist. It was frustrating and I’ll be glad to see it go. I kept saying I’d turn it off but always forgot to figure out how once I wasn’t driving any longer
Can I help kill it? I hate that goddam thing.
Isn’t this that last driving friendly UI?
I’m unclear if this is further killing something that is already dead or if this is the only remaining driving mode.
Isn’t not having a driving mode bad? I wish they’d just bring back on device Android Auto.
No any type of driving mode is the worst! The phone should always operate the same! The most distracting thing when driving is trying to figure out a whole new unfamiliar interface and having to fight with it to get it to do what you want it to do. Your phone should always work the same way
Maybe true for just dumping you into it unexpectedly, but once you do know how to use it, it is a much safer interface.
I much prefer having the podcast or music app integrated into the map interface with big buttons. The alternative is spending a lot more time with eyes off the road to switch apps and hit small buttons.
If I need to get to the normal interface when stopped, it is just a swipe away.
Sing it brother! Suddenly not knowing where anything is or locking me out of alternative apps is fucked.
its been so long since i accidentally triggered this ive forgotten how bad it is… i just vaguely remember not really being able to do anything and not having the info i wanted, and suddenly the phone behaved differently. which is what you want when youre driving.
I use Google maps almost everyday and I don’t know what driving mode is?
It’s super hidden, the only way I know to get to it is installing an app that launches it in driving mode.
It came after they killed off android auto for phone screens, essentially just using your phone as an android auto unit.
May sound pointless, but if you like the simple interface while driving it’s nice. Especially if you have an android head unit that you don’t want to bother connecting to your phone every time.
I was just now working on a small indash computer running scrcpy to copy my phone screen to a 7inch touch display, and use this. It was supposed to be my drop in upgrade for my car.
Am now sad. 🙁
Why not a head unit that supports Android Auto?
Some double din jobby, or if you have a common car like a Civic, they make ready-made dashboard replacements.
Say it with me now:
Stallman was right.
*laughs in OSMAnd*
… that doesn’t have a driving mode either. You look a bit silly now, don’t you?
you are correct, I do
It might actually help a fast development cycle ala lemmy after reddit mess.
Can anyone with experience using “OSMAnd~” and “Organic Maps” shed light on which works best in the US?
It’s not exactly helpful, so go for it, Google.
Eh. If that’s 2024’s casualty then it’s a small loss that I, for one, can live with.
Take away my “set a timer” feature though, and I might flip over a table somewhere. Probably at a diner in the next county though. Good pancakes are hard to find and I wouldn’t want to alienate the owners at my local who have excellent pancakes.
Judging from these comments, I’m the only one who actually likes it. I find it easier to control music playback/etc while using maps and driving.
I found it faster and safer to use to fire up Pocket Casts or Libby and to read texts on the go. So I use it every day and will be disappointed to see it go.
Eh it’s split 50/50
I personally have a car that supports Android Auto with an AAWireless installed so I’m ambivalent.
Used to use it on the motorbike as it made riding but audio only more consistent