It’s the same as with Linux, GIMP, LibreOffice or OnlyOffice. Some people are so used to their routines that they expect everything to work the same and get easily pissed when not.
This isn’t just open-source software; it’s also a collection of servers run by hobbyists.
There is no business here at all. You’re not the product, but you’re also not the customer — because there is no customer. What you’re seeing here is a strictly nonprofit Internet service provided by people who just want to make one.
Which makes Karen behaviour even worse and incomprehensible but most people are humble and don’t care to much about some minor problems and a little learning curve
I don’t know what “Karen behavior” means; could you explain?
A “karen” is a person who comes across as entitled and demanding, beyond the scope of what is generally accepted.
Meanwhile I’ve been messing around with Linux the past week and it got me installing decentralized apps on my android lol.
Somewhat agree, but don’t get me started on a Gimp. To think that gimp was build to be a tool analogous to Photoshop (PS) is naive. It was born to demonstrate GTK GUI widgets and to check boxes on feature list (of supposedly paint program analogous to PS) from programmers perspective at most. Ok, they did the thing, checked the boxes, used all widgets, demonstrated that it works and from that day on it had and still has totaly inneficient workflow compared to PS and nobody cares about that. Answer to sugestions is almost always half assed, apple soused - you are holding it wrong, we are not PS. :)
My 2 cents, you can learn Gimp, you can adjust yourself to it, but if you have ever worked on PS and were good at it (with all its workflow, shortcuts, up to the level where you work one hand on keyboard, having most toolboxes hiden out of your view, etc…) you’ll still feel gimpy. It’s like comparing of giving commands to the gnome with an axe versus to an elf with a whole bunch of efficient specialised tools, spells and workflows – both trying to create art. I don’t use PS daily for how much, maybe >8 years and use Gimp weekly for about 12years – I say, it is still gimpy as f… And I’m programmer not a designer, designers usualy just hate it. I on another hand understant it (and it’s history) and take it as it is, as an inferior gimpy cousin of PS :)
Sometimes though it’s major issues that turn people away. I’ve always loved the idea of Linux, but I’ve never been able to adopt it fully. I’ve tried multiple times and this current time is no different then before. It’s always some major thing that’s broken that no amount of research/troubleshooting that fixes it. At this current moment, my steam install won’t download games to my secondary disks. No matter what I change. It’s running mostly fine otherwise.
I was with you until GIMP. If one more person lists it as an alternative to Photoshop I’m gonna lose it. It’s UI is terrible, you have to watch a guide just to get started. Can’t read PSDs in any viable way. I’m sure people use it just fine but to call it an alternative to Photoshop is just plain lying.
Edit: the other thing I dislike about it being suggested as a replacement is that it assumes you work alone. Anyone on a team with people in PS will not be able to even attempt to use GIMP to get work done.
It’s an alternative image manipulation software. It’s not a great replacement for PS though.
You also need a guide to get going in PS, its just a different App but fulfills the same tasks
It fills some of the same tasks.
Which tasks is Photoshop capable of and GIMP is not?
Something I use a ton: smart objects, smart masks, smart filters. Non destructive actions where I can still edit the original and have all previous items applied in a separate file or view in real time.
Those aren’t tasks. those are tools.
A task would be if to give us an example of an “end result” that you can accomplish in PS that you can’t in GIMP.
Not what tools you use to make it. But the content that comes out the other end.
I’m not going to argue that PS has some extra tools that make stuff easier to do. It has the resources to develop them, after all.
But there is no drawing, animation, photo edit, composition or other end product that you can ONLY do with Photoshop. The only people who say that are people who have never used any alternative.
So my point is still valid that GIMP is not an alternative to Photoshop. It would be like saying this screwdriver is an alternative to this toolset. People coming from Photoshop aren’t looking at the singular goal of image manipulation.
OK but thats a workflow problem, that’s not a missing design tool.
Well these tools are in Photoshop and not GIMP. You can’t just hand wave that away as not GIMPs fault.
Photoshop doesn’t have a native G’MIC plugin feature. You can’t wave that away as not Adobes fault!
That’s how stupid you sound.
Different products have different features and different ways to do things. It’s not Gimp’s sole purpose to just clone every feature from Photoshop. It’s not a Photoshop clone, it’s a piece of software in its own right.
Gimp makes great use of the amazing G’Mic filter tool. Adobe doesn’t. That doesn’t make Gimp better than Photoshop.
Different software makes different choices and people choose whichever they want to use and shut the hell up about it.
Well its still not a image manipulation feature missing. It’s a workflow feature. You could also just copy a layer. But in the end, Photoshop has no image manipulation feature that is really missing in GIMP, you can export the same result picture.