An unidentified individual has listed the data of 760,000 users for sale on a darknet forum. This discovery was brought to light by the “Information Leaks” Telegram channel, associated with the Russian service for tracking vulnerabilities, data leaks, and monitoring fraudulent online resources.
For clarity, is a third-party interface tailored for the widely-used Discord messenger. The offered database comprises details like email addresses, hashed passwords, and other user-specific data.
Now that you know, these central platforms put everything in one place, not just; the same is true for Discord itself. simply provided hackers with a quicker means to collect entry points to various communities.
Blame can be attributed to centralized management, as all the invite links published on allowed hackers to enter those communities and compromise members’ accounts one by one. This is because there was only one server for hackers to breach and gather personal information such as usernames, email addresses, IP addresses, and passwords.
Fortunately, I left Discord a long time ago and migrated to another platforms, like Lemmy here, WireMin, Session. WireMin is kinda popular in Russia, anyone knows about it? It is complete decentralized, so totally avoid the dataleak issue.
Dataleaks happens everyday, it is important chose what can be shared and what can’t be.
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