Screen time linked with developmental delays, study finds::Screen time at age 1 is linked with higher risks of developmental delays in toddlerhood, a new study has found.
Screen time linked with developmental delays, study finds::Screen time at age 1 is linked with higher risks of developmental delays in toddlerhood, a new study has found.
I do not see any breakdown between quantity/quality though.
It’s one thing to plop a kid in front of “junk food TV”, compared to wholesome TV, educational TV/factual documentaries, or educational games (like Homer or ABC Mouse).
Yes, obviously human interaction is necessary for human development, and more screen time will likely mean less human interaction, unless a caregiver is actively engaging the child about the content.
I still contend that there’s “good screentime” and “bad screentime”, and like food, the secret sauce is moderation.
This point is actually acknowledged in the study findings under “Strengths and Limitations”:
The original data used in the study did not allow this differentiation but these findings can be used as a starting point for further research.