I’ve been using bing for the past 6 months or so, ever since the chat gpt integration.
In 6 months, I’ve earned enough points to get a $5 taco bell gift certificate.
Overall, the quality of results that I get are… Not as good as google. I find myself frequently re-searching things on Google because I actually do not find what I’m looking for on bing. And then on Google, the perfect result is the first or second listing.
Now, Google is integrating bard into searches. Sometimes it sucks, yes. But it is basically just as good as the bing chat gpt thing. So… Yeah. I’m going to go back to Google search soon.
I’ve been using bing for the past 6 months or so, ever since the chat gpt integration.
In 6 months, I’ve earned enough points to get a $5 taco bell gift certificate.
Overall, the quality of results that I get are… Not as good as google. I find myself frequently re-searching things on Google because I actually do not find what I’m looking for on bing. And then on Google, the perfect result is the first or second listing.
Now, Google is integrating bard into searches. Sometimes it sucks, yes. But it is basically just as good as the bing chat gpt thing. So… Yeah. I’m going to go back to Google search soon.
Bing is better for images and videos I feel, and the search quality is better unless you are looking for a very specific term.