According to Grunitz, Volkswagen’s first electric GTI will be “a real go kart” to drive. He’s already driven a prototype, claiming, “It’s really amazing.”
You can see the concept pulls design features from VW’s classic GTI models. However, the company promises new tech will enable even more control and handling for that “go kart” like feel.
It makes noises like older GTIs?! I’ll take two!
You mean the creaky door hinges and the vibrating sun visors?
Oh shit my mk4 golf does both of those. I didn’t realize they were common problems
Why would you want it to be noisy? I get that noise was cool when that older technology was new, and I get the nostalgia, but try silent before you head to the past. It just seems so much more modern and so much more powerful, the silent acceleration just makes it feel effortless.
I get the amazing tech of those older cars. I get the heat, the hundreds of moving parts, the alloys, the precision, it’s just amazing. Like steampunk. Appreciate it as the museum piece that it is or go geek out over it but go silent but deadly
For the same reason the last car I bought has a manual transmission: It’s fun.
I want a stick with an e-car.
Things are different off-road, antilock brakes suck on dirt and different gear ranges are useful. Not everyone lives urban.
Not for everyone else
Any car that you can’t turn off the internal noises is an instant no buy for me. Stupid
Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. EVs’ reduction in noise pollution are second only to their reduction in atmospheric pollution. I love quiet vehicles.