In a desperate attempt to destroy a mindless killing machine, Captain Kirk pilots the USS CONSTELLATION down its throat! Now remastered to 4K/60fps, fresh f...
The actor’s chin, cheek and upper lip stubble. “Five 'o clock shadow” is an English idiom for a man’s facial hair. They shave in the morning before work, some clean shaven men will have short stubble visible again by 5 p.m. or so.
The actor’s chin, cheek and upper lip stubble. “Five 'o clock shadow” is an English idiom for a man’s facial hair. They shave in the morning before work, some clean shaven men will have short stubble visible again by 5 p.m. or so.
Oh, I should have tried googling, but I assumed it is some dark hidden trek secret :)
Thank you
No problem! I love idioms and don’t mind explaining.