FYI, while this is a terrible move, it does not allow advertisers to see your browsing history like you said. Google looks into your history, the advertiser gives them ads and Google serves the ads to the users they think will like it. The advertiser never sees any of your data. Ironically, Google’s advertising system is the safest compared to systems like Meta’s.
FYI, while this is a terrible move, it does not allow advertisers to see your browsing history like you said. Google looks into your history, the advertiser gives them ads and Google serves the ads to the users they think will like it. The advertiser never sees any of your data. Ironically, Google’s advertising system is the safest compared to systems like Meta’s.
Thanks for clarification.
Interesting tradeoff - I have more trust in Googles security teams than 99,9% of the real time bidders around.
Google is no advertiser? And they monopolize it now. I mean, they did anyway, but…
Until Google decides to sell that information directly to advertisers.