I’m currently struggling with upgrading some Postgres DBs on my home-k3s and I’m seriously considering throwing it all away since it’s such a hassle.
So, how do you handle DBs? K8s? Just a regular daemon?
I have a single database server because I can’t afford two servers with high storage. The servers that need access to it connect over wireguard VPN. This is slow as f**k don’t do that.
Never tried it but kubegres seems like a good implementation for kubernetes. I guess if you just have a single-node cluster there won’t be much benefit but it seems a periodic backup to NFS is key (you can run NFS on most anything).
Are we talking database schema migrations or migrating a database between Postgres instances?
If it’s the former, the pattern is usually to run them in init containers or Jobs but I have been wanting to try out SchemaHero for a while which is a tool to orchestrate it and looks pretty neat.
ETA: Thought I was replying to your below comment but Memmy deleted it the first time for some reason, my bad.
I’m a big fan of the zalando postgres operator. A lot of the critical features you’d want in production databases are handled and very nicely abstracted.
I avoid software which requires a relational database altogether. For me that’s part of the fun of self hosting: what’s the simplest possible system I can get away with at my tiny scale?
I google why doesn’t mysqld work?, then copy paste terminal commands from the first result, then google why doesn’t my machine boot? then turn around 360 degrees and walk away.
then turn around 360 degrees and walk away.
And how does that work for you?
I imagine they feel like they’re not getting anywhere.
For personal use, I don’t bother with databases on k8s. They are waaay easier to manage if you just let your host distribution run it as a regular service and Upgrade it through that