Electronics manufactures must from Saturday fit all devices sold in the EU with USB-C charger ports in a bid by the 27-nation bloc to reduce waste and cut costs for consumers, who will no longer have…
Now if only we can standardize cables or at least labeling. We went from everything working wherever it would plugin to everything plugging in but who knows if it will work
Imo they should at the very least standardize some color coding and labeling. All charging-only cables are yellow, data cables are blue. Something like that.
Yeah, or since people are going to want their cute colored cables, do colored stripes on the connectors or something. Even on the metal connector itself, but not on the inside like old USB-A connectors.
Now if only we can standardize cables or at least labeling. We went from everything working wherever it would plugin to everything plugging in but who knows if it will work
Imo they should at the very least standardize some color coding and labeling. All charging-only cables are yellow, data cables are blue. Something like that.
Yeah, or since people are going to want their cute colored cables, do colored stripes on the connectors or something. Even on the metal connector itself, but not on the inside like old USB-A connectors.