>Be me
>Be 20 in uni.
>Going to study with friends in liberry.
>Text friend asking where to meet him.
>He says on 3rd floor.
>Go to liberry.
>Go to 3rd floor.
>Dent see friend.
>Look down bookcase rows.
>See friend seated facing away from me towards the window at a desk in his trademark blue hoodie.
>Approach my friend.
>Gay-chicken-protocol engaged.
>I intend to win the ongoing gay-chicken war here and now.
>Sneak up behind friend.
>Swing legs over back of chair one at a time.
>Slide down behind friend so my crotch is touching his ass.
>Cup his breasts.
>Pull him tight.
>Friend turns around.
>Not friend.
>Total stranger.
> Never seen this kid before.
>His face…
>I move head closer to his ear.
>Whisper, You arent John…
>Proceed to stand up and powerwalk down the stairs
>Out the liberry.
>Off campus.
>Walk 9 blocks & get chipotle.

  • JokeDeity@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    “Liberry” already explains this person is a full blown retard, but this seals it.