by using high-level multimodal feature descriptors, including visual similarity scores; locally stored geo-signals; popularity; and index coverage of landmarks (to debias candidate overweighting)
…and other sciencey-sounding technobabble that would make Geordi LaForge blush. Better reverse the polarity before the dilithium crystals fall out of alignment!
That’s the point. It’s a list of words that may or may not mean something and I can’t make an assessment on whether or not it’s bullshit. It’s coming from Apple, though, and it’s about privacy, which is not good for credibility.
…and other sciencey-sounding technobabble that would make Geordi LaForge blush. Better reverse the polarity before the dilithium crystals fall out of alignment!
Heh though that’s all legit right?
That’s the point. It’s a list of words that may or may not mean something and I can’t make an assessment on whether or not it’s bullshit. It’s coming from Apple, though, and it’s about privacy, which is not good for credibility.
I don’t know what a geo-signal is, but everything else listed there makes perfect sense given the context.