Hi all!
I often struggle to remember where/if I’ve ordered a product (my email account is a mess, my own fault!), how much I’ve paid and if it was for me or for some member of my family. Is there a self hosted service that you’ve tried and find helpful that can do this kind of job?

  • Encrypt-Keeper@lemmy.world
    2 months ago


    It’s just a spreadsheet system but it uses python under the hood so you can do some pretty cool stuff with it. You can use it to build a little item tracker for yourself to your own specifications.

    For example I used it to make a system for tracking car maintenance. So there’s a sheet for managing car parts, a sheet for managing job types, a sheet for managing tools and then a main sheet I can use to add repair and maintenance jobs, quick add the parts I’m buying, tools I’m using etc and I’ll get a total cost and all.