I have gta pirated on mobile is it possible to run it on linux. I am new to linux and can’t find anything useful yet on this topic
I don’t have experience with it, but I’ve heard waydroid runs android apps on Linux.
Yes. Look into waydroid
You would need an android emulator. IIRC, there are few mentioned in the megathread.
Please correct me if I’m wrong, but as far as I know Alpine Linux uses APK as package manager, but it has nothing to do with APK on android. (I said this just to clarify any misunderstood)
Honestly, I think the best you can do is downloading the Windows version and playing it on Wine, yeah, you can use Waydroid but why using an Android downgraded version when you can use the Windows version?
Apk for alpine Linux stands for Alpine Package Keeper. The command ‘apk’ is used on the command line of an alpine Linux distribution to install programs. The programs are installed based on which repositories you haveselectedd on your system. The android APK stands for Android PacKage. This is an executable type of binary file for an Android device. You can use an Android emulator to play the .apk file on your machine.
If you have trouble with your system DM me and I will try to help you.