I’m not an expert but I think : The site you visit only sees the VPNs info. Which is how you maintain some anonymity while browsing. However, if your VPN keeps logs, then you can still be tracked, just at a different place. Some say they don’t keep logs, and you’d have to trust that.
RAM is considered volatile memory, so each time the server turns off, it loses all data. This is compared to disk (hard drives of whatever type) which retain memory even if the server turns off.
In theory, this ram only server prevents them from keeping logs (like which user went where) since the server wouldn’t even have a place to store it.
Edit: lustrums post is more accurate and has info that this doesn’t prevent logging per se, but could prevent accidental logging. I.e. they can’t hire a forensic computer specialist to parse through operating system logs to try to find info they didn’t otherwise log elsewhere.
Yes, all the ISP will see is the vpn tunnel.
If you don’t trust the ISP why are you with them?
When you access a website with https the ISP will not see what happens inside that connection as it too is encrypted.
If you run your own DNS server that uses root hints the ISP will see even less.
By using a vpn you’re placing your trust on the provider and there is nothing stopping them filtering the outbound connection from all their VPN endpoints to collect and sell the meta data your hiding from you ISP.
All VPN providers just talk about logging but nothing about meta data collection, funny that 🤔
I’m not an expert but I think : The site you visit only sees the VPNs info. Which is how you maintain some anonymity while browsing. However, if your VPN keeps logs, then you can still be tracked, just at a different place. Some say they don’t keep logs, and you’d have to trust that.
RAM is considered volatile memory, so each time the server turns off, it loses all data. This is compared to disk (hard drives of whatever type) which retain memory even if the server turns off.
In theory, this ram only server prevents them from keeping logs (like which user went where) since the server wouldn’t even have a place to store it.
Edit: lustrums post is more accurate and has info that this doesn’t prevent logging per se, but could prevent accidental logging. I.e. they can’t hire a forensic computer specialist to parse through operating system logs to try to find info they didn’t otherwise log elsewhere.
A VPN just changes your IP, all your browser info is still visible to the website.
It does hide where your traffic is going to the ISP, no?
Mullvad also has their own browser that has some security features that prevent fingerprinting while also keeping an okay level of usability.
Yes, all the ISP will see is the vpn tunnel. If you don’t trust the ISP why are you with them?
When you access a website with https the ISP will not see what happens inside that connection as it too is encrypted.
If you run your own DNS server that uses root hints the ISP will see even less.
By using a vpn you’re placing your trust on the provider and there is nothing stopping them filtering the outbound connection from all their VPN endpoints to collect and sell the meta data your hiding from you ISP.
All VPN providers just talk about logging but nothing about meta data collection, funny that 🤔
You live in a world where you should not use the internet ever
Chances are I was online before you was even a thought.
Helps if you keep an eye on the bigger picture that vpn is a tiny part of.
chances are i had sex with your mom lol
Good try, she’s dead. Thanks.