Firstly just a quick thank you as the only reason I went through ADHD diagnosis was because people here were convinced I was trolling, or had undiagnosed ADHD when I was quite being dismissive of ADHD behaviour and arguing certain traits were just normal for everyone and people saying they had ADHD were just attention grabbing. Well I had to eat shit on that one as I actually did have ADHD and didn’t know it.

So, the actual question I have is do you have lots of ‘end it all’ thoughts? Not in an emotional way, but like digesting news from around the world and seeing logically we are fucked so may as well just quit? Also I’m on 100mg sertraline but have ADHD treatment consultation tomorrow so has anyone been ok mixing antidepressants with ADHD stims?

    23 days ago

    Not in an emotional way, but like digesting news from around the world and seeing logically we are fucked so may as well just quit?

    I would challenge that belief.

    Things are bad, sure. Climate is gonna change, people are gonna fight and die over the dumbest shit, and billionaires are going to loot any public good they can get their hands on.

    But good people are still fighting. It’s a lot less top-down and much less visible, but it’s happening. Lives can still be saved, the damage can still be mitigated, and the bad guys can still be meaningfully opposed. Things can change quickly!

    We have to keep in mind that the news is never gonna be good. Even when it isn’t a glorified right-wing propaganda machine, it’s a business that thrives on attention. And things that make you sad or scared or angry are always gonna grab your attention more than anything else.

    We’re not getting hit by a giant meteor. We’re not all irrecoverably fucked. It’s better to prepare for an uncertain better future than give up preemptively!