Did you ever wanna have a username but it was taken? Us early adopters to the fediverse can now freely choose nice, untaken usernames!
Let that sink in. We have the luxury and freedom to nearly choose any username we want. without having to add unnecessary underscores or numbers.
Thats nice.
Mom says its my turn on the account naming scheme!
username checks out
i got to be mishamouse instead of mishamau5, so i don’t have to look like i’m stuck in my dubstep/leetspeak phase anymore.
I would never have been able to be just Gabe on reddit. It’s nice.
Here’s the downside, your username will be remade on another instance exactly as it is here. Unless you make your username everywhere. So it’s kinda like having bob@gmail.com but someone else has bob@hotmail.com. I think there are probably some super autistic people that might grab their nicks on every big server currently lol
lol probably. but i found my main community here i can still interact with all the others. So why even care ^^
Cheese was already taken 😭
My username is usually available everywhere and I’m content with it, but I’m happy for you guys
They told me I could become anything so I became a bee
i love seeing people follow their dreams
I didn’t even think, I just used the same as my reddit one.
Which is fine, I have 99 on everything else, being just gk would be weird.
Early adopter of a particular instance? Sure.
Someone can still grab the same name and post from another instance.And with multiple domains, if it’s taken one place it might not be another.