I’m wondering what people here would think about Home Assistant’s stock UI getting a bit of a facelift? I know you can customize to your hearts content, but I’ve always found stock Home Assistant to be a little hard on the eyes. Its not bad in my mind, just feels a bit dated and static.
Anyhow, wondered if anyone here has thought the same. I’d welcome a face lift.
You can set the width and height in the properties of the cards themselves. It’s the last tab.
It still doesnt expand beyond the fixed width of the section column it’s created in. And a card cannot span multiple columns, it’s always locked to a single column. You also can’t control left/right position of columns, it only starts from centre if the page and expands from there.
You can change the width of sections but if that’s still not what you want, I don’t really get what you’re trying to do