Could be either, could be a bit of both. Hard to say really. My guess is the last one.
Now go do your chores, you lazy little hottie.
Damn your GF wasn’t kidding 😳😳
It’s an actual thing. When it feels more like you have a teenage son than a partner it’s hard to get turned on by them, even if you weren’t already too exhausted from clearing up after them.
So much this. Working all day is exhausting. So is keeping the house. Having to do both all of the time when you have an able-bodied partner? Gross. No one wants an adult child as a partner.
Men have no idea just how exhausting it is to have to carry all of that weight. Well, some do, I’m sure. I haven’t met any, personally, but that doesn’t mean they’re not out there.
Having a partner that is an actual partner gives you the room to breathe and relax. And honestly, that is the real turn on.
I’m a man who had to do this. My partner was going through some pretty rough times in grad school, then left school, and had a lot of mental health work to go through. I was trying to be supportive, but we had to have a few conversations where I said that I didn’t find her exactly attractive in the moment because it felt like I was more of a guardian than a partner. It’s gotten a lot better since then, but it can be hard when your partner is going through hard times (or is just lazy, in some cases) and doesn’t see things as you do.
Everyone needs to put in effort. It doesn’t need to be symmetrical (meaning you don’t have to do all the same things), but it should be approximately equal in terms of effort in both the relationship and your living situation
Men have no idea just how exhausting it is to have to carry all of that weight. Well, some do, I’m sure. I haven’t met any, personally
When did this become about gender politics…?
But yikes.
Imagine the horror of I said the same statement but reversed the genders, and the stereotype.
This isn’t a stereotype, it’s a well-documented sociological phenomenon. Women typically do the majority of unpaid / organizational labor in a household, even when they work full-time outside the home. And part of why this is such a problem is that this work is often not witnessed or acknowledged by their partners, or even dismissed as “unimportant”.
I know it’s yikes. It felt icky to write it out, but I did because its true. It’s well documented that women are far more likely to be “running the house” even when working full time. So many articles, podcasts, and books have been written about it. There’s even a comic floating around the internet. (
Look, you’re not entirely wrong. But this is a very gendered experience (as in, disproportionately affects women). Of course it happens the other way around, just nowhere near as often. You don’t have to get so fucking defensive about it. This is the world you live in, deal with it.
Was gonna make a Ghislaine Maxwell joke but stopped myself.
You should read The Five Love Languages. This is an actual thing. Different people express and receive love differently. “Acts of Kindness” is one of them. My partner loves when i do things, and i know this, so i do it because i know it makes her feel loved. And that’s hot.
This could be climate-related. She might mean you’re working too hard and need to cool off. Try to stay hydrated out there because you’re looking hot.
This message has been brought to you by hydrohomies.
Don’t forget to bring a towel!
In my experience it’s both 😁
It could be because the people in her life (especially the masculine figures) aren’t the type to actually do chores without the initial request/push by another person. It’s some kind of shock and it could be seen as an attractive trait. Same feeling I got when I entered a healthy relationship with someone who’s not a slob. Doing chores is bare minimum though
Both is the answer. You do look hot doing chores. Also chores done is a turn on. It’s like oysters and chocolate, but your house is tidy and it’s not gross.
Could be real, either way I definitely get laid more when I do stuff around the house. I read a study that basically suggested doing chores helps because it relieves the stress of your partner, freeing them up to feel a little more amorous.
Take it from me, men who do chores around the house are so hot.
So are men who buy tickets to “Barbie”.
Will do :)
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Gonna go take any, if I even get them, future dates to a car wash and wash eh hell out of cars. Or bring them home and just clean.
i think dudes are hot when they just sit around and do nothing, with their shirt off of course, so what do i know
If I push my tummy out while sitting on the couch I can hold a beer on it like Homer Simpson
Please don’t ever use the word “tummy” again. This is your first and final warning.