I know the topic of whether adblock is piracy is debated, but I am guessing there are a lot of adblock users here and I was wondering if anyone has seen the youtube adblock warning message in the wild. I use ublock origin and still haven’t seen it once.
I know, but they help with the ads on the website itself. Not the videos.
But you have ublock? It’s just redundant at that point.
What? PiHole doesn’t block YouTube ads yet. It’s needed. Having two Adblock’s isn’t a problem either.
Pihole works wonders for mobile apps in general. Especially games. Ublock and pihole are similar but different enough to use both. Yes, ublock is overall better for browsers. But for network wide coverage, including smart TV’S, mobile apps, iot stuff like ring cameras etc.
I agree with this since I myself use PiHole, but it is redundant on a browser which uses ublock - and that was my original point.
Piehole would be the “whole house/device” Adblock protection. Ublock is the one device Adblock. Fair to use both in my opinion.