Marx once said that proletarians won’t embellish the terror once it’s their turn.
The assassination reminded us that they are not some sort of incorporeal beings, but that they can be killed.
It should be unnecessary to point this out, but here we are
Still better that “pee is stored in the brain”
For a trip to the gallows
Millennials and Gen Z: *bond over their death wish Scientists: *ETERNAL LIFE
Liberals don’t have the interests of the working class at heart
I am a human being, and I enjoyed my employment at Google
They are traitors of the userbase’s interests
The same day Nestler and I talked, for example, she said that she had spoken about the changes with Reddit’s mod council, which has about 160 moderators.
Wow. So many power-hungry people in one room.
That was the plan all along. Google played the long con with Android.
Because black numbers going up make shareholders happy
However, I can recognize that his passion for free speech is genuine; otherwise, he wouldn’t have bought Twitter for $44
You really make recoil in disgust at the depths of denial you can plunge to in order to stan a billionaire.
I remember using my My Moto X in 2013 and finding Google services actually useful
In Taiwan, TSMC is known for extremely rigorous working conditions, including 12-hour work days that extend into the weekends and calling employees into work in the middle of the night for emergencies. TSMC managers in Taiwan are also known to use harsh treatment and threaten workers with being fired for relatively minor failures.
I’ll say this again: we need to seize the means of production.
Another casual win for Ockham’s razor