Kentucky Yeeted Salmon
Kentucky Yeeted Salmon
trash site
Yeah, without a disclaimer and evidence it’s modeled correctly it’s just straight misinformation at this point.
I hope they get pulled from the road. Problem is, he’ll just bribe some government officials
Yes, but spending the money creates more of an incentive and more pressure to figure out how to skimp on payouts
My problem is, due to systemic pressure, how under-trained and overworked could these people be? Under what time constraints will they be working? What will the oversight be? Sounds ripe for said slippery slope in practice.
i wanna see bobs and vegana
Sometimes if I really want to get someone’s attention, I’ll start a sentence with something like, “I’m not racist, but…”
I say, “I’m not racist, but you look great today.” They say, “That wasn’t racist at all.” I said, “I know. I said I’m not racist. You never listen. Typical Mexican.” ~ Demetri Martin
You’re talking about two different levels. The subtle racism in media, others, and from simple ignorance will still have an effect on anyone.
honestly, i wanna do that. Tired of Christmas
brown chicken brown coww
They do, but we’re a stupid species.
You also need a comma before ‘Jerry’.
Hibernate is a different function
probably the best actual outcome tbh
no, they’re just like that
it’s either avoid the food wars or try to make it to the star wars
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