My home-made pizza tops any delivery, and I always get to eat it hot out of the oven.
What state/country do you live in?
My home-made pizza tops any delivery, and I always get to eat it hot out of the oven.
What state/country do you live in?
“New crypto coin” is a weird way to say bribe money laundering
My uncle worked with the Ravens a while back on a VR training program but I believe what you’re talking about is real time hud shit.
That being said, there’s something cool about all these people being so coordinated and well trained without excessive cues and reminders. Your team can be big fast and strong but if it’s not coordinated with the vanilla gear they have, it’s going to be a shitshow
Depends on the solubility of fentanyl
Alopecia by Why? (Surprise it’s an entire album)
But if you only want one song from it try Torpedo or Chron’s
Word art is in style now my man
This kid never took science
Donate directly to the charity and get Korean Fried Chicken instead.
when we need them
No phone aux jack conspiracy has re-entered the conversation
Worst part is that they did it mostly to boost the IPI right before we went public by driving down operating costs.
We weren’t even able to buy in u til 6 months after going public and the price leveled off at 6 months
My company called all lab staff “pandemic heroes” for coming in every day during the pandemic and taking on extra work to compensate for management and office staff who stayed home for years.
Then shortly after return to office, they closed the lab and laid off all lab staff.
Its called…soaking…don’t Google that
Views Disinformation
Were not going back!
That being said, I appreciate sticking it to reddit in this way.
UL aggressively performs market surveys to catch this kind of stuff
I know cheep electronics are fun but please buy UL Listed stuff
D average students demanding PHD level virology evidence