I would if I could get anyone to fill my fucking prescription
I would if I could get anyone to fill my fucking prescription
Voyager is the new app name for wefwef, hosted as the url I posted. Same app, not sure if the old url redirects or what.
I’m convinced that it’s been trained on top of the essays of middle and high school students that have gone their whole lives without proper education on vocabulary, grammar, and the like. So when asked to evaluate something written properly, it’s flagged as AI.
Garbage in, garbage out. Same as is ever was.
Most contracts are through contract companies, who then employs (ala W2) the workers.
I could see all tech workers that work for these companies forming a union—that could make a real, honest change in the tech workforce overall.
You’d think that maybe it do work that way but it don’t
I won’t be sideloading anything onto my device that I can’t build myself from opensource and understand what it’s doing.
The risk is too damn high otherwise.