Now there’s a guy that deserves it, it’s sad that he was surrounded by such a spezwad.
Now there’s a guy that deserves it, it’s sad that he was surrounded by such a spezwad.
In the US there was a period of time where it was illegal to export encryption above a certain level, so in a way it has already happened. Dumb has never stopped governments before.
I mean, it is. They keep a list of all your conversations and they are extremely vague about giving a direct reply. Hopefully this does something because, like US congress has itself admitted, they cannot afford to let the same thing happen with advanced AIs that they’ve let happen with social networks. Transparency needs to be a thing, and not fake “oh yeah I’m all about transparency” then goes out of their way to hide shit under the carpet or gaslight with bullshit when they can’t.
Talk about blinding yourself with greed.
That has had an Acceptable Ads Committee for over a decade now. I’m surprised that YouTube Ads wouldn’t have been permitted on it.
Not really making fun of it, just genuinely curious. Are people still installing Adblock Plus? It has had an Acceptable Ads Committee for over a decade now. What were people using if not that?
I had uBlock Origin installed since forever, are people just finding out about it?
Hopefully large social networks have not metastasized enough to prevent their death with this. I hope that they also decide to bully through this bullshit onto WhatsApp, which is heavily used throughout the EU, thus ensuring their death is even quicker. They’ve tried to copy Google Premium, but Google gives you the option to disable personalized data collections and ad serving.
Seriously, people are acting like this is new. There is no sense in shaming them we’ve had it brought to the mainstream by people like Martin Skhreli and nothing has been done. Martin Skhreli himself is only in jail because of his ponzi schemes, a.k.a. screwing other rich people out of their money. The only reason Pfizer was praised was because it was needed in a time of need and because they hired plenty of lobbyists.
When a company does this, they aren’t just making a business decision, they are making a decision for the people who use their platforms, who got to their platform from Google searches and who made content that other people see in Google searches. Abuse is abuse, and even in the US this should be grounds for the loss of fair use. The EFF should realize Reddit is not their friend.
I don’t think it is, at least not the current iteration, but he would definitely have helped evolve its successor.