The fact that Teamspeak server is closed or restricted source means it’s going to enshittify eventually
The fact that Teamspeak server is closed or restricted source means it’s going to enshittify eventually
Neat, so we need to wait five years before even trying it to see if they’re serious. https://killedbygoogle.com/
Hey fellow Keys guy! Grew up partly on Summerland Key
Is this actually a thing or are you saying it should be?
Caffeine is an insecticide
Maybe someone is bad at identifying those too
Anything’s a UFO if you’re bad enough at identifying things
Remember freedom fries?
Yes, actually. MLMs convince people that everyone is doing or can do it, and these types of posts would be a great way to build the illusion
First Letter Of Every Word Capitalized Makes It True
Brady Haran was a journalist and is is excellent at explaining things
I just want oursignal.com back
The Constitution is just words on paper. Meaningless unless taken seriously and enforced by people. What people can enforce it now?
This feels like a can identify different brands of pepper spray by their taste situation
Won’t someone please think of the shareholders?!!
Whose definition of fine art? This could be an amazing rebranding opportunity
Be careful what you do ironically lest it become done ronically
What’s you’re seeing here is advanced cringeposting