We leave it off. It’s 61 in here right now and I like to bundle up. I hate any amount of heat. I like to be chilly.
We leave it off. It’s 61 in here right now and I like to bundle up. I hate any amount of heat. I like to be chilly.
In italy we bought everything outselves including books. Teachers never paid for anything.
Last time I was in Japan there was actually shit on the spray nozzle at the hotel.
We have them like that in italy and I don’t know anyone that uses it. We used it as a second toilet as kids. Pee only.
It was a perfect movie for me to watch as it didn’t have any slow parts and kept things going so my attention span was engaged. I can’t stand movies where they spend too much time talking and being boring.
Depends. If you just let the camera swing and let it randomly shoot then it isn’t. If youre framing it and composing it that’s your work. But no just putting a camera on a cat and letting it randomly take pics isn’t your work.
As someone who creates a variety of art in pretty much any medium I find AI art to be something deep and subconscious in us. It taps into something we can’t reach unless on mind altering drugs. I find it to be an amazing study of the human psyche. I have never been able to connect to most “art” especially any of the classical stuff, as well as most music. While people enjoy and even request certain pieces of art from me, all but sculpting leaves me disconnected from my work because what I visualize and what create aren’t thr same. AI art has that missing piece.
If someone dumps paint on a surface and let’s gravity do the work it’s the same thing. If someone ties paint buckets to dogs and let’s them run it’s the same thing. When all you do is initiate the process and let another force make the creation it shouldn’t be. If your can’t replicate it yourself then it isn’t your work.
For us as kids we just used it as a second toilet. We obit had one working bathroom so one takes a shit the other pees in the bidet.
I had a crappy honor 5x which had a fake camera and a bunch of fake features, also it had some Spyware on it that caused me to have to report fraudulent charges on my bank account and eventually the battery got spicy. Got a s20 ultra at launch and actually love this thing. It’ll last me a few years more.
Nope. Any job I had where they required me to do something I thought was unethical like selling credit cards or upsetting I just refused to do it until they let me go. I would rather enjoy being unemployed than stoop to that bullshit.
I left brave 2 years ago. Never looked back lol.
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Ah yes kill the internet. I’m OK with that.
As a woman who spent a good chunk of her adult life looking like a child I had to deal with a lot of pedos on MySpace etc trying to get sick pictures from me. Most of them fucked off once I told them I was in my 20s… it’s disturbing and I find the idea that someone can find childlike attributes attractive to be repulsive. It’s not ok to simulate racism or bigotry for the pleasure of racists and bigots, why is it ok to simulate CP?
At least connect let’s you block instances.
Buy the braided cable splitters they are invincible
Lol I charge it either wirelessly or use a splitter. I have never had a problem using usbc or Bluetooth. I have a tablet with audio jack and I never use it. I also have connected my phone to a USB hub and used gaming headsets and other peripherals.
I mean it’s just an expression of disagreement. Most people aren’t fans of having their children kidnapped or them walking off and getting lost.