Okay so not exactly zero, but until a heavy hitter like Samsung won’t even consider, worldwide adoption is going to be low - their flagship just stuck with Qi 1, even though the standard existed for about two or three years at this point.
Okay so not exactly zero, but until a heavy hitter like Samsung won’t even consider, worldwide adoption is going to be low - their flagship just stuck with Qi 1, even though the standard existed for about two or three years at this point.
It really hadn’t rolled out across the globe yet, so no, it wasn’t even really released before getting pulled.
Well, I did mention the Hue bridge so I’ve got Zigbee around the house (as well as some other Tuya wifi devices).
I’m currently in the process of converting to an additive setup so my wife and I don’t need a smartphone to do smart home stuff. I think I can work with the info, thanks a lot.
I’ve come across Shelly relays as well, they seem like a viable option to me. I’d probably prefer a separated network like Zigbee, but that should be doable. Thanks!
Sounds like there’s a step missing somewhere.
You should probably use a downloader such as NZBget or SABnzbd to download the whole collection of .rar archives (if it’s archived at all) and .par2 files associated with it. You’d download an NZB file for which content you wish to have, which is a simple file that tells the downloader how to download everything, fix them up when necessary and to repair the files, to finally extract a usable file for you.
That output is something Readarr should be able to use, like an epub.
The irony in this? They have just announced this very subscription plan in Germany. Not even a week after axing the plan in some neighbouring countries.
I’ve been using the More Purple More Better (MPMB) character sheet in combination with Adobe Reader on my Windows pc. It isn’t exactly an application replacing your char sheet, but an interactive PDF file reliant on JavaScript. It has a common recognizable layout, and is filled to the brim with macros and generation tools - you’ll be able to whip up a char sheet in no time once you get the hang of it.
Out of the box it only has PHB content, but you can add additional scripts containing every bit of official content for 5e. It isn’t very hard to find, either, /r/MPMB for example.
To be fair, WhatsApp hasn’t had any serious feature development up until the last year or so, so as far as features go, they’re playing catch-up.
Sideloading is installing an app through means other than the official storefront provided by an OS. Android has always let you do that, and Android TV is no exception.
As for the ad-free YT experience? Look up SmartTubeNext.
I’ve had a Ezviz home camera for years. At some point, the RTSP stream in HA stopped working entirely, and I didn’t think much of it.
A week ago I decided to reset the damn thing as the verification password on the bottom didn’t take in HA, only to realise that the setup flow on the app just didn’t work for configuring WiFi, and there was no feedback at all, or any support articles surround it. I’d given up for a while, plugged in ethernet temporarily instead and tried again.
The correct WiFi setup procedure was hidden away in some menu, which I couldn’t even remember using last time (showing a QR to the camera and it silently taking the credentials). Only then I found out about how you can view the camera in the app in LAN View Mode, pray it accepts your verification password without spitting random HTTP errors, and there the RTSP toggle was to be found. I do have the stream back in HA, but my god that was a pain. I’ve been at it for hours at that point.
Was it worth it? No, I would’ve thrown it out the window way sooner - but it beats having a paper weight for a camera which used to work fine an hour ago.