The explanation about the door is that it wasn’t about the size, it was about the buoyancy. If they both got on it then they both would’ve sunk
The explanation about the door is that it wasn’t about the size, it was about the buoyancy. If they both got on it then they both would’ve sunk
Well yeah, because he exposed those areas for having garbage people living there. He didn’t make the area worse by damaging honorable people, all he did was hand a spotlight to people and let them show who they are. They very obviously were aware they were on camera the entire time
I’m not gonna downvote you because unpopular opinions is what this thread is about, but it’s just plain factually incorrect to say it’s devoid of humor. You may not personally find it funny, but there are a zillion jokes per second in this movie, and many people find it hilarious. It isn’t devoid of humor, it’s devoid of your type of humor
Thanks for the info!
Godfather. Sooooo boringly slow
That’s a very interesting question. @cleanandsunny (or does lemmy use the tag
u/cleanandsunny ?) do you know if the immune system can recognize a portion of the H section or N section of the protein, or instead does it specifically only recognize the HN protein in it’s joined shape?
Here’s a new one for you. It’s by Tina fey, it’s called Girls5Eva
But you didn’t answer the most important question - was it done on purpose or was it an accident?
Off topic post
What does “exercising the cake i sell” mean?
Lemmy needs better sort options. Certain communities get a ton more posts than other communities, so their posts wind up being a huge percentage of the front page.
Lemmy needs a hot+diverse sort option that weights against posts in a community that already has a lot of posts on the the front page of hot.
I don’t want to block those communities, i just want to see other topics too
Inputting newer weather condition data is different than changing the model. The model is the machine that does the computing, the weather data is just inputting variables. As an analogy it’s like a computer - the hardware itself doesn’t change, but if you do different clicks and typing input then the computer will output different things on screen. The ai model itself only changes when you train it differently.
A quick web search shows that you can freeze dry at home without a dedicated machine. A bunch of sites say you can do it in a regular fridge’s freezer.
Download a zillion movies and whole tv series (in highly compressed versions), a zillion music albums and playlists, the 25 GB downloadable version of Wikipedia, a ton of emulators and game roms, and a bunch of apps covering everything i might wanna do like music creation software.
Kiwi browser! It’s the best!! Built in ad blocker, privacy respecting, can use extensions, very customizable, and so much more!
When i was younger i totally would’ve been into an ai girlfriend
Nah, that’s the easy part. Checksum technology has been around for many decades
I think i have an old thumb drive with 10 exabytes free on it
I didn’t retcon anything, I knew it, and I googled it to confirm before i posted. Mythbusters even tested it and confirmed it.