Overly lengthy AI slop posted by a bot to shill for a stupid app? No thank you.
Overly lengthy AI slop posted by a bot to shill for a stupid app? No thank you.
Playing a lot of Luigi’s Adventure.
Gratuitous acts of memery. Cats, Pikachu faces, swole doge and Cheems - you name it. Arcane to the uninitiated, ever so meaningful to the inner circle.
Oh right, the post-nut sensation of urethra blockage. I switched recently from Strattera to Vyvanse and haven’t experienced that since then, I think. Need to pay attention to see whether it is fully gone. I totally agree. That was very unpleasant. (in my case, ejaculation itself was fine)
Congratulations, you belong to the 3% of users who know what a domain is and why that matters. Everyone else uses Google (or DuckDuckGo because “Google bad”) to search for their favorite websites every time.
Correct. My example for another necessary intervention would be YouTube. That’s a space in which Google does have a monopoly.
About pineapple pizza? Yes. About Nazis? No.
Been there, had that talk. Thankfully, my parents are mature, capable of introspection and have worked on becoming better people throughout their lives. So it went quite well, although I will say it doesn’t make much of a difference with regard to the past. That’s for me to sort out now.
ITT: Because it would be and possibly poisonous.
The pane was moor than he could bare so he gave himself a route canal.
FYI the “.ML” does not stand for Millesian Liberalism.
MFW He wants me to be with Him in His heavenly kingdom.
F zodica sounds like a disease. 😅
Wow, Eugene Cernan really should have dedicated that moment to Lucretius instead of Galileo.
You have my sincerest thanks. 😃
As I’ve said before, the distinction between countable and uncountable quantities is lost on most people nowadays. In my opinion, the rampant overuse of the word “amount” (instead of “number”) is the clearest indicator of this problem.
Thank you for your response. Luckily, I cannot say I’m particularly short-tempered. Certainly not moreso than unmedicated. That said, when I do get upset the Strattera might make things a little worse for me, with side effects ranging from dry mouth to dizziness.
Most SSRIs will. And don’t expect it to come back, either…
Would you care to elaborate on the downsides of Strattera? I’ve been considering switching to Vyvanse for a while now but couldn’t find a compelling reason to tell my insurance why they should support the switch (I think lisdexamphetamine is more expensive than atomoxetin).
The Longest Day, IIRC, but it’s a small part.