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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: February 20th, 2024


  • Its because they ran into the loudest, most annoying vegans.

    IDK how, maybe different areas have more militant vegans, or maybe they just roll with negative stereotypes and the algorithm bs that lets the worst folks float to the top of their media feeds.

    I’ve actively sought out vegans because they have great advice on dietary restriction resources and as long as you’re respectful of their choices, they’ve been consistently so willing to share.

    And they also really love a good breakfast, in my experience, like the local vegan group has just pages of discussion on good vegan donut resources.

  • have you tried something to focus before starting a task?

    I like a small bit of a not very addicting game before I start something, so I can get in the zone, and assess where my head is.

    Just an easy sudoku or bejeweled- something you can knock out in under a minute. I started doing this around 14ish and it helped with school a lot.

    If they’re younger, you being there to keep them on track is important, but asking them to assess how they feel based on that little game could be a great self assessment tool.

  • This is the case of an article misconstruing the meaning of a scientific paper… again.

    From what I gather, this is meant to mean the specific context of a gesture having the explicit, consistent purpose- that when it flutters, it means that its partner is supposed to do a specific activity with their nest.

    So its not just the context sensitive “I’m letting you go first” like with a cat, or with many other creatures, its more akin to someone texting their spouse “Can you put the kettle on?”

    The bizarre thing with this really is that its a visual cue, because we see this all the time with sounds, in all kinds of critters.

  • Well, its kinda like how dogs can be treated with a lot of cancer drugs people can’t- its largely a matter of longevity and personhood. Just load 'em up with stuff that’ll cause all kinds of crazy side effects in a decade or so, if they’re at least six, even in longer lived breeds. (assuming its a bad form of cancer in the first place)

    Sheep don’t have to worry about the things people have to worry about when they aren’t going to have to use the same body for the better part of a century.
    So yes, they do get sick, but its not regarded as the same level of devastation because its an animal, you can use harsher treatments, and you’re not looking at the same level of magnitude of suffering or life lost.

    We also work a lot harder to keep a lot more physically frail individuals alive whom would otherwise just be dead if they were sheep. For example, I had a doting mother who got me medical attention for my frequent dehydration as a child, and I am now able to advocate for myself when I have those episodes.
    A sheep who couldn’t tolerate something foul on some grass would have likely died as a lamb and have just been a sad statistic before they even developed enough to graze.

    If we had much shorter lifespans, we’d honestly be some pretty rugged creatures. Our stomachs are only .5 less acidic than some carrion birds. More acidic than most carnivores.
    No worries about preserving teeth or joints, eat what you want, its literally Yolo!

    Our brains, vision, bipedalism and weird vomiting thing are pretty damn sensitive though.
    A lot of animals don’t have such a vomit issue. Rats literally can’t vomit, iirc.

  • Technically, random race/class/etc upon a new life is really more common with Roguelites. (You kinda acknowledge that, but roll with me. Trying to be facetious with the Roguelike snobbery thing, not sure if I pulled it off lol)

    Traditional Roguelikes usually let you pick what kind of fresh Hell you’re setting yourself up for.

    …So maybe this is Roguelike rules.

    You fuckin chose your species, religion, and class.
    Just not how much food you get to eat, what books you get the chance to read (without tremendous effort on your part) and when you will die.

    Oh, sweet heavens, this is so much worse! We did this to ourselves