Do you have any links to recommend to check out for further reading/watching? Or what search terms should help me find this the best? Ty :u
Do you have any links to recommend to check out for further reading/watching? Or what search terms should help me find this the best? Ty :u
All I wanna be
Is someone who gets to see
A giant woman
How have I never realized the chorus was a haiku
I can’t even view reddit (logged out) with my vpn on. :<
Aren’t bullets expensive though ;. ;
It’s not public; it’s exclusive. I don’t want to have to register just to view posts.
Twitter links are harder to get through than paywalled articles, so they’re about about as worth reading to me as facebook posts.
Chiming in with Boost, and I can’t find karma-like counts. Maybe a different app?
I used to be unable to hold my right hand still in the air without slight tremors, and I noticed how it went away some months after I quit playing this one mmo with excessive clicking. Phlebotomy is so much easier with a calm hand. Maybe the toy would help if it’s hands-free?
Adding this fun read because I know hands do get numb from holding strongly vibrating things for excessive periods of time:
Moreso in your jerking hand, or both? Not that I have any qualifications to answer further – better to check with your doctor how serious it is.
I swear there existed a Tumblr post back in 2012 or earlier about remembering something like EGG: wallet, phone, keys. I just can’t find it anymore v.v
A job that: I’d love, is at a desk, pays well, is project based, asks me to set my own goals, holds me accountable, makes me feel like I’m contributing something positive for other people.
Right now, I would feel more fulfilled in life with something like that.
Fam, the TLDR I’m hearing isn’t “wish my folks made healthier life choices and hadn’t conceived me in such a specifically shameful manner that affects my life”, but “I wish I was never born, DAE feel this way?”
My answer is that, this seems deeper than what lemmy can offer, it’s worth talking to a therapist about, and I hope you can find a way forward for you.
“I never learned or thought about how long my trash will actually insist on existing and polluting my environment. I’m completely ignorant of how incredibly slowly plastic decomposes and how toxic it is for plastic to leach into the lowest parts of the food chain and concentrate on its way up.”
“AFAIK, because the earth will take care of it somehow - everything turns into dirt when you leave it in the dirt long enough, right?”
“I’m just sooo ignorant, plastic will just break back up into little plastic fibers and the ocean can recycle it for us, like tree bark or w/e, right?”
That’s my best, but still invalid, justification. What do I win ::: spoiler spoiler /sarcasm (I hope this spoiler works bc it’s not working on boost) :::
I once convinced one of my aunts that leaving your cart out gives companies another excuse to raise prices again
(not that I actually think that’s true; i just didn’t want to feel like an butthole for leaving our cart out)
Good idea. 1.2x speed is how I save time on videos I expect to be long
I just bought the book off Nostarchpress last month
I read your comment before I could open the link, and now that I’d read a little past the chat-format part into chapter two, this spawn definitely smells of AI spunk. My nagging feeling reading it was - Iiiii’m pretty sure this author’s never tried to teach before.
First giveaway for me was the sudden change in artstyles for the “projected slides”. Also, for the first cat pic, why tf is there a bending-protected cord dangling from a wall switch? Tf?
So many adjectives used too, I bet, to give that futuristic feel, but overused, unnecessary. What the fuck is clear carbon fiber? No really, is that even real? And why do you need to describe people’s desks or seats that way, when it would’ve been more effective to make a picture of the classroom than to detract from the learning material with a mystery virus that took out the professor just to needlessly bring in a sub? Was there going to be some plot twist? Is there a story?
And who tf thought that starting with binary was a great idea to introduce kids to computers/programming? Who tf thinks they’d convince someone who knows nothing about computers that binary is cool or even immediately useful?
I scrolled further and saw Darth Vader fighting Luke Skywalker. End rant, or else AI will give me cancer.
Scam author is trying to scam people with AI generated book.
One of my strategies is to first ask myself, “Does it matter? How much?” and then “What could I do about it? Do I care enough to do that?”
Then I act or shrug or medicate or politely interrogate why-incompetent-person-did-incompetent-goddamn-thing based on that.
Experience: worked a service job for too long, judging an issue’s worth to me is like a reflex now. It takes practice