I ditched Xitter ages ago yet this does not surprise me after everything that’s happened
I ditched Xitter ages ago yet this does not surprise me after everything that’s happened
The only building i know you can do that to is the old Pizza Hut buildings, they’re just built different
That’s the main reason I don’t believe in any higher power. Sure there might be one, but where’s that evidence? I can’t use any of my senses to reach a solid conclusion on that subject. I’m quite happy to just let other people deal with religion
Christmas needs to start after American Thanksgiving, PLEASE
The really loud claps, like wall shaking ones were them cheering at a strike
I sorta assumed nails had a set length they grow to, much like hair
Seems you understand Tumblr Color Theory
I wish i could. I can identify the dream being a dream when it’s happening, even have other people agree that “this is a dream” but nothing usually comes of it
I’m 22, 23 next month. The reason you’re being labeled as a child is the way you type. The vibes people are getting from your messages/posts do convey a pre-teen person. Tone down the exclamation points and capitalize the beginning of sentences. Emotion Faces should probably be reserved for chats with friends or family as on the internet they are tied to younger people. Here’s a re-written version of your post as an example:
“Whenever I post or talk to people on an online forum or something, they think that I’m a child or child-like. But I’m not, I am a 20 y/o. It’s fine if they think that, but I think it’s disrespectful.”