Maybe. The EU commission may not care what the moldy tangerine thinks.
Maybe. The EU commission may not care what the moldy tangerine thinks.
Quinoa and then each individual escaped piece sticks to everything like glue.
So people who live in Washington DC can vote for President. D.C. has 3 electoral college votes. Puerto Rico does not have any electoral votes. (They do hold primaries that also don’t seem to really count).
DC does lack full voting representation in Congress just like US territories (e.x. Puerto Rico, Samoa, Guam). I do think their delegate can vote on some things in congress, I don’t remember the details of what, but it’s definitely not a full congressional vote.
Not who you were talking to but most people who have a PC at home aren’t installing an OS on it. They’re using windows cause that’s what came out of the box. Most of us windows users wouldn’t go out of our way to install windows if Linux came preprogrammed. It’s more convenient to not install any damn thing.
Was that cause of the cost? Didnt Elon come out claiming lidar was a “crutch” or something?
That’s fair, I don’t typically order really expensive stuff. I just think that if I have to go to a store to pick up my package of small cheap shit then I might as well drive all the way to the store and buy the stuff there in the first place. Why order it online and pay shipping then?
It’s a bit of a rock and a hard place for then. If you won’t leave my package and I have to be there or go somewhere else to pick it up? I’m not ordering your shit.
So similar stuff has happened throughout history with the coming of more advanced technology. There use to be entire rooms of secretaries in order to do clerical work that has been replaced by Microsoft Office Suite. Their replacement by technology did not cause a total collapse of society so I don’t see why this would?
It might make the world worse and drive down the standard of living for many but a total upheaval? If humans made it through the industrial age we’ll likely make it through the second technology age too. We won’t be unscathed but mankind survived the invention of the computer which was probably equally (or maybe more) disruptive.
I can’t figure out if she has even asked for his help on this, if she hasn’t then perhaps he should just back off until she does.
You don’t get spousal support because someone was a sperms donor to you or had a short term affair with you. That’s not how spousal support works.
Your gut reaction being to go immediately to 100 miles an hour is probably the ADHD. Most of us hyperfixate really easily and jump into things with both feet. That said, in my personal experience, we also tend to hyperfixate on hobbies in a certain “category”. If your a sports person, or hiking person, or craft person, or theater person you’ll regularly hyperfixate on things that surround your “main” interests. (Sometimes we also go wildly off script but most ADHDers I know eventually circle back to their core interests.)
That said it’d be smart to get a basic understanding of camping in first because you can use it as a springboard for future hyperfixations. This was you’ll have the basic knowledge and equipment when your focus changes to ultra light, or extreme conditions, or rafting to camp spots. Etc. There is no escaping the dopamine hyperfixation train so you just have to learn systems that help you do it with minimal negative consequences.
The lungs could be in the human half but just be far larger than typical human lungs. If the organs in the lower part of a human torso are in the horse half it would make room for more lung in the human torso. I don’t imagine you want too much room between the nose/mouth and the lungs if you can help it.
Not the person you were responding too but I’d love to learn more about these toys/tech. Are there some key words that would help me search? I’m having some trouble sifting through the search results.
I think you missed his point.
I do something not on my computer and leave the window thatcis loading up so that I don’t forget about it in the background. I know not all jobs have that option but maybe save any non computer tasks you do have until those moments.
By Lemmy standards I’m perversely unconcerned with my privacy. But I just updated all my glassdoor info to wildly incorrect stuff (name, location, industry, job title, etc) then deleted it. Even for me this is a bridge too far.
What are the chances the upvotes are fake though?
Overly simplified: It’s a term used to indicate that you should bet the stock is going down if you are a stock holder.
This is going to really depend on the state, but no most do not require any appliances be provided. California does not require a fridge to consider the property “livable” so I doubt not providing a washer and dryer would make a rental “unlivable” in most US states.