I’ve read the books twice
I’ve read the books twice
The lusty argonian maid
I can’t afford one either!
I came
I feel like it’s too close to Redcoats, and I expect them to try to quarter in my house and tax me without representation.
I really wish people would stop commenting that someone has this or that identity when they just want a normal life. Having trouble finding a girlfriend? Maybe you don’t want sex! Like what? Stop normalizing this.
I wish I could upvote this more than once
Why the fuck do you think? People hate women
ok neil
The new Outlook font is AMAZING
deleted by creator
What do you mean besides you know what, sex is by far the most important thing I want from a partner … Better make sure you find someone who thinks like you lol
I actually think that 'you have a problem’s and ‘you have got/you’ve got a problem’ are subtely different in meaning. If someone has something, they may have had it all along. It sort of has an ongoing ontological quality. If someone has got something, it implies that they got it at some point in time. I think.
THANK YOU what a great answer, I will check out your community
Ok there Hououin Kyouma
Reddit brought down the banhammer hard on a lot of ‘controversial’ communities around 4 or so years ago.
I think this is it. Thanks!