Probably an implementation issue. Make a small error there, like storing parts of a key in memory or something like that and you’ve compromised security.
Probably an implementation issue. Make a small error there, like storing parts of a key in memory or something like that and you’ve compromised security.
Dropping SepiaSearch here as well. Peertube search.
I have a mastodon account, but using it feels like shouting into the void so I don’t post much.
Clear and concise. Thanks.
The charger is made for the battery, it’s just that the newer batteries have somewhat more capacity. Thanks for all the extra details.
Very easy to understand analogy. Thanks for that. Makes it very clear on how it works. Doesn’t sound like a too small hose should cause problems then?
Good answer and explanation. Thank you.
It’s a power-tools charger that came with the tools. The earlier batteries were 1.5Ah, the newer are 2Ah.
Waze is google these days. They bought it some time ago.
Friendly reminder that i2p exists and that you can torrent your cat videos without exposing yourself to your dog loving isp.
More info can be found here:
Especially with the Easy Install Bundle for Windows. Sets everything up for you.
If you’re using it to browse webpages on the clearnet then yes, it’s slower, because that’s not the use-case for i2p. I’ve seen speeds around 1MBit/s which isn’t lightning fast, but also not terrible for an anonymous network.
Archive link:
That’s a shame, I still remember mine. Weird how you can remember 7 random digits from 30 years ago…
Isn’t this what the new Freenet aims for? A truly decentralized, but not necessarily anonymous, network?
Take StreetComplete with you when you’re out and do pokemon-style quests while at the same time improve the map of the area you’re in.
It’s very fun and quite addictive, and the data you’re providing is open source so it’s not free labour for some huge company.
OpenStreetmap as an alternative to the closed source maps.
OrganicMaps or OsmAnd to navigate and StreetComplete or EveryDoor to improve it.
Depends on your definition of very slow. I’m currently getting 1MBps which is alright.
Currently testing it. 20 peers. 1.5GB. Takes about 20 min.
I don’t change the headline generally, but I also didn’t catch that it wasn’t “the real” matrix.